7 Reasons WWE Must Sign Bully Ray

2. He's One Of The Best Talkers In Wrestling

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsavPv6Tj-8 "Do you know who I am?" That's how Bully Ray starts his promos. It was a clever way to begin a promo especially when he was a heel because it annoyed the fans. They booed right away. As a face it still works to a degree, but it's better for a heel. It's similar to how Paul Heyman starts every promo with: "Ladies and gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman." Of course they know who he is, but that's the point. He's there to upset the fans. He's always been a great talker going back to his Dudley Boys days. The stuttering gimmick in WWE wasn't the best idea, but it didn't last that long and he still made it work. As he's grown as a performer and into a standout heel in TNA he had more opportunities to talk. It's part of the reasons why he's become successful as somebody that has worked with every top name TNA has had. His versatility shouldn't be ignored either. He's able to crack jokes when needed or cut a scathing heel promo if that's what the situation calls for. Some people are so wooden on the microphone. Every promo sounds the same. Not him. His ability on the microphone makes him an asset to any wrestling promotion that he's in.
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Bully Ray
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.