7 Signs WWE Is Headed In The Right Direction

2. NXT Making Waves

Now here is where things are really starting to get promising in terms of WWE's future. NXT has long been praised as the new wave of WWE, presenting a different style that emphasizes storytelling and athleticism above all else. Look at the current champion, Finn Balor, for all the proof you need of that - he makes an immediate, dramatic impact the second his theme song plays. It's all about style, it's all about charisma, it's all about showmanship, and it's all about entertaining the audience. The unheralded king of entertaining the live crowd resides in NXT land as well. Sami Zayn has long had a strong connection to the crowd, going back to his pre-WWE days as El Generico. Fans just love the smiling underdog who'll take all the beating that you can give out and come back swinging even harder. Those two are the two big babyface of the so-called "developmental brand" but the heels are just as compelling. Without a doubt the number one heel going in NXT, if not all of WWE, is Samoa Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine is capable of producing classic matches with darn near every opponent imaginable, something he routinely showed during his time in TNA. To this day the most exciting wrestling match I remember ever seeing was Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels from TNA Unbreakable in 2005. Even though that bout took place almost eleven years ago, both Joe and Styles are more than capable of competing at that level, and Joe hasn't even stepped foot on the main roster yet. The best is yet to come from Samoa Joe in WWE.
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Sasha Banks
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I'm a writer based from San Antonio, Texas who enjoys any and all things relating to wrestling and the Green Bay Packers. Always open to talk about any current or past WWE events and love hearing new ideas. Best way to get in touch is on twitter @DustinJenson28