7 Spine-Chilling WWE Commentary Calls

5. Jim Ross (WrestleMania X-Seven)

Austin Vince McMahon WrestleMania X-Seven

Whether he was breathlessly shouting, "Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!", calling Mr. McMahon a "son of a bitch" for cutting down his friend or encouraging Steve Austin to "stomp a mud hole" in opponents, JR's unabashed support of Austin helped the wrestler's cause; Ross, just like Austin, was beloved by fans.

His horror at WrestleMania X-Seven came across as wholly real then. It was almost like Austin had plunged a dagger deep into the cowboy-hat wearing announcer's heart, then twisted it painfully with a psychotic smile. That was the improbably image Ross wanted to put across, and he succeeded.

One line was all it took. When Austin unthinkably turned heel, aligned with McMahon and let his obsessive need to become WWF Champion get in the way of his morals, Ross blurted out, "Stone Cold is shaking hands with Satan himself". Right there, wrestling history was made, and Jim framed one of WWE's most important moments.

It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be his last.

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Jim Ross
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.