7 Spine-Chilling WWE Commentary Calls

4. Gorilla Monsoon (WrestleMania III)

Hogan, Andre, WrestleMania III

Millions of parents in the 1980s must have been dumbfounded when kids around the world proclaimed that they'd been hit in the "external occipital protuberance" during a school yard fight, or that they'd badly twisted their "lateral collateral ligament". That was the beauty of Gorilla Monsoon, but his commentary didn't always need to be so complex.

Sometimes, the man painted images that lived long in the memory for more reasons than because (being honest) his words were a bit weird.

At WrestleMania III, Gorilla's excellently crafted commentary enhanced the drama between ex-friends Hulk Hogan and André The Giant. "Look at the look of disdain on the face of André", he said, a comment preceded by an immortal line fitting of the occasion: "The indestructible force meets the immovable object".

In one fell swoop, Monsoon had readied fans for 'Mania's biggest match to that point and coined a phrase that would become part of wrestling's parlance from that moment on. Credit to Jesse Ventura too for knowing when to sit out and let Gorilla weave magic with his words.

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Jim Ross
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.