WWE: 7 Things That Shouldn't Have Happened At WrestleMania 30

4. Daniel Bryan Shouldn't Have Suffered An Arm Injury Prior To WrestleMania

It works to get heat, cause an injury to the babyface going into a big match with big stakes. But for it to really work, the babyface needs to be willing to sell the injury and that is something that Daniel Bryan failed to do in his match with Triple H. As mentioned, it's a good way to get heat and adds a compelling story to the match. And to Triple H's credit, he wrestled a match that focused on the arm to a certain degree €“ even if he did start off on the leg with a nasty Dragon Screw. I felt Bryan lacked a degree of emotion in the match €“ when he gets going, boy, he's a bearded ball of energy. But when he's getting shut down, it's hard to feel anything for him. Triple H managed to make the Crossface Chickenwing look painful by applying it very slowly and really wrenching Bryan's injured arm back. He went to the well and came back with the Crippler Crossface. He even used simple arm wrenches and whips to cause damage. Yet, whilst trapped in these moves, Daniel Bryan failed to make a single sound. At no point did he make me feel like he was in any sort of pain or that the injury was having any impact on his moveset. Jump forward a couple of minutes into the match, Triple H is in the Yes Lock and he's crying out in pain. Triple H was able to make us all rise in anticipation, expecting him to tap out to the B+ Player, whereas with Daniel Bryan, it was a case of when, rather than if, he would escape the holds. Had Bryan entered this match a fully fit man, survived a Pedigree and then cleaned Triple H's clock with the Knee Plus, we could have stood united, fully expecting him to go to the main event and clean house. And its then that €“ BAM €“ Triple H comes from behind, lays Bryan out and messes up his arm. Suddenly, we'd all be doubting whether he could win the main event and the WWE Worlds Heavyweight Championship. Instead, in my mind, if he can beat Triple H with a bad arm, he can probably do the same to Batista and Orton after three hours rest. If not to prove my point somewhat, when Bryan made his entrance for the main event, he sold the arm injury by doing a one-armed "Yes!" chant. That made it much more believable.

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