WWE: 7 Things That Shouldn't Have Happened At WrestleMania 30

3. Daniel Bryan Shouldn't Have Been Stretchered Out During The Main Event

I've been sceptical about including this one. Reviewing the match in my head, I don't know that this was part of the plan. Whilst Orton took a much nastier bump €“ he landed directly on a monitor, cutting his back open €“ Daniel was the one loaded onto a stretcher. Had this actually been part of the plan, I would have expected Orton and Batista to brawl into the ring and exchange a series of near falls, leaving the crowd panicking that Bryan was going to miss out on the big one. Instead, they brawled at ringside and looked extremely confused €“ and this suggests to me that they were stalling, unsure exactly how to proceed until they knew how bad Bryan was. If it was part of the planned match, then I can only assume Orton had been knocked silly by his nasty bump and Batista was doing the best that he could to stall the match. And, if it was indeed part of the match, it did it's job. Just like with Mankind at King of the Ring 1998, the crowd rose to it's feet, excited that their hero was about to re-enter the match and potentially overcome the greatest of odds. But, for me, it watered the moment down. Daniel Bryan has become the Jack Bauer (of television series 24) of WWE €“ just how much bad luck can one man have? How many bad situations can he truly endure? He out-lasted months of abuse at the hands of The Authority. He was tortured by Bray Wyatt and his family. He lived through an intense beat-down from Triple H on RAW. He went on to defeat The Game cleanly, only to suffer yet another assault after the match. And he survived a run-in by Triple H and Stephanie, and even a crooked referee (who didn't even attempt a fast count?!). But a powerbomb through the announce table puts him on a stretcher? Not so sure. Regardless, I tip my hat to Daniel Bryan. His moment in the sun is one for the ages.

Ash hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.