7 Things We Learned From AJ Lee On StarTalk

4. Labels Are Something She Owns

AJ Lee

There's no juicy gossip in the podcast at all, which may at first seem disappointing to WWE fans who love that sort of thing. We've been conditioned to think wrestling interviews are crap if they don't involve some sort of "shooting" that buries a peer or gives some sort of goss that'd be at home in the tabloids.

Whilst AJ doesn't say who called her names in the company, she does admit that she was called them. Throughout her run, Lee was called everything from "bitchy" to "crazy", and it was the latter term that inspired her book ("Crazy Is My Superpower", the title of that read, has also become her motto).

Those labels are ones she's taken ownership of, and she'd encourage anybody to do the same.

AJ is very high on the concept of not letting language dictate feelings. When pressed by deGrasse, she says people can ignore labels or take them under their wing as positives. For example, the seemingly negative connotations of "crazy" have given Lee mental strength.

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AJ Lee
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.