7 Things WWE Fans Complain About Too Much

5. Hall Of Fame Choices

The WWE Hall of Fame is a great opportunity for fans to relive moments from the past that helped us become the fans that we are. If you've ever been to a HOF ceremony the night before WrestleMania then you know that WWE does a great job of making it a special moment. You can see that it actually means something to the wrestlers that are honored. A problem that arises with the Hall of Fame every year is that people end up complaining about who gets in and who doesn't get in all the time. Let's not pretend like this is some scientific thing where writers vote to select who makes it in. It's all done at the whim of Vince McMahon, Triple H and whoever is in their inner circle. Do you think Koko B Ware is really a Hall of Famer based on his accomplishments? No. He was a lower level performer that really didn't do a whole lot. He got in before Randy Savage, who is still not in, but maybe he'll get in next year. There are others like Koko as well, but he's the one that stands out the most. The best way for fans to approach the Hall of Fame is to acknowledge that it's a great honor for the people that are in it, but we shouldn't act like there's some legitimacy to it.
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John Cena
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.