7 Things WWE Must Do In The Mixed Match Challenge

1. Plan A Sequel

Facebook WWE

Providing everything is going well, the right teams make it to the latter rounds and WWE set up a cracking final match, they have to capitalise on the buzz and announce a sequel to the Mixed Match Challenge for next year. There's no good reason why Facebook wouldn't be interested in this. On their end, it's not as if ratings/views are going to tank.

The MMC could become an annual treat presented just in time for the Royal Rumble. Think about it: the tournament is on a fresh platform for WWE, it's a unique concept for a company long-torn on the idea of showing male-on-female violence (at least since the turn of the 'PG' era) and could feasibly lead to different stories or feuds on the main shows.

It's win-win, helps spike interest in the product right before WrestleMania and gratifies those who believe the promotion still present women as inferior to men. A sequel makes perfect sense in the long run, and could be used as an ideal launching point for smaller stars if the concept itself starts to get over on its own.

What else do you think WWE must do during the Mixed Match Challenge? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lana Rusev
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.