7 Things WWE Must Do With NXT On USA Network

2. Go On The Road Eventually

NXT Full Sail

NXT is currently logged to continue beaming from Full Sail when WWE move it to USA. That prolongs the promotion's relationship with the modest Floridian venue, one that was perfect for the then-developmental league when WWE began taping there in 2012.

How long will that relationship last? That is the question.

Don't forget that WWE are putting NXT up against AEW's new TV show, and All Elite have already been announcing road venues in places like Pittsburgh and Charleston. It's surely only a matter of time before WWE get itchy feet at the thought of watching the grass grow underneath them and take NXT around the country full-time.

Full Sail has been a fine home, it really has. The fact is though that NXT could potentially look small time next to AEW if it emanates from the same place every week, and being number two is hardly something the McMahon family would be happy with. The solution? Tour the brand.

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NXT Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.