7 Things WWE Did Right At NXT Takeover 2: Fatal 4-Way

6. Enzo Amore's Hair Match Act Was Entertaining

The Hair vs. Hair match that Enzo Amore had with Sylvester Lefort wasn't a great match, but the act of Amore along with his buddy Colin Cassady is really popular with the crowd. When they were doing their pre-match trash talk it was very unique and the crowd was chanting along with them. The whole aggressive Italian attitude and "SAWFT" thing works for them. It was a relatively short match that went about six minutes with Cassady getting involved along with Marcus Louis outside the ring. Amore won with a rollup. In the end, Lefort didn't get his head shaved. Enzo and Big Cass had a bucket ready, but Louis saved his Legionnaire partner. Instead of Lefort getting shaved, his buddy Louis is the one that lost his hair thanks to hair cream that was dumped on his head. They could do the shaving of Lefort in the future or they might just think it's better for Lefort to keep his long hair because it's a good look for him. The crowd support for Amore and Cassady should tell management that this team could really be successful on the main roster one day in the near future.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.