7 Things WWE Did Right At NXT Takeover 2: Fatal 4-Way

4. Charlotte Proved Her Superiority As NXT's Top Diva

Charlotte, the daughter of Ric Flair, defended the NXT Women's Title against Bayley in a very good matchup where it looked like either woman could win a number of times. Charlotte's only had the title since the last Takeover show in May, so it may have been too soon to do a title change. Bayley's won over the crowd as a girl that dreamed about being a wrestler, accomplished that goal and gained confidence along with her experience. It's one of the most basic wrestling stories, but it works. They could have booked it in a way that made Charlotte looked dominant, but instead there were a number of great spots where it looked like Bayley was going to win. Charlotte won after a crafty move that sent Bayley head first into the bottom rope. When Charlotte went to the top for the moonsault, she hit it, but it didn't look great. She jumped too far and looked like she landed on her feet before pressing on top of Bayley. Charlotte ended up getting the clean win with the Natural Selection. Post match there was a good story with Charlotte's friend Sasha Banks coming out to attack Bayley. The assumption was that the heel Charlotte would help Banks, but instead she pulled her off Bayley and slammed her hard to the mat. The story was that Charlotte respected Bayley. That's likely going to lead to Charlotte becoming a babyface full time while taking on Banks, who might be the next Women's Champion in NXT. There are people that want these women to be on the main roster soon, especially Charlotte. Both of them are better than some of the women already there (Cameron, Eva Marie, Rosa to name a few), but is it really to be on the main roster? The NXT brand is strong right now. There's nothing wrong with being there. When they get to the main roster they're not going to get long matches like they get in NXT. Seeing them in three minute specials will be disappointing. Just enjoy them on NXT because for WWE women it's as good as it gets right now.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.