7 Things WWE Did Right At NXT Takeover 2: Fatal 4-Way

3. Hideo Itami Aka Kenta Debuted In Impressive Fashion

One of the most anticipated parts of the show was the debut of Kenta. Prior to his appearance in the arena, a video package aired showing pictures of him wrestling in Japan as well as when Hulk Hogan signed him a couple of weeks ago. There were also comments from Kofi Kingston and Big E putting over Kenta as a big international star. Ric Flair was supposed to be on hand to introduce him, but he wasn't able to make it. In his place was NXT General Manager William Regal. He welcomed Kenta to the crowd. Kenta received a positive reaction from the crowd. He spoke in Japanese. The fans couldn't understand him, but they were respectful. He changed to English and started off with an emphatic statement: "This is a dream come true." He also added that he was happy to be there and in WWE. He also added that he would be going by a new name as a tribute to one of his heroes: Hideo Itami. It's going to be weird referring to him as a name other than Kenta, but we should get used to the Itami name because it's here to stay. He added that it was his goal to be the NXT Champion. The promo by Itami was interrupted by The Ascension, who are strong heels that were mad about losing the Tag Team Titles. Viktor tossed Itami outside the ring. When Konnor told Regal to give them a rematch, Itami got back in the ring and had no problem getting in their face. It was funny that the crowd chanted "Kenta" for him despite the fact that he just said his new name was Hideo Itami. That showdown led to Itami destroying The Ascension with kicks, forearms and a double dropkick that sent them out of the ring. It was an impressive debut for Itami. The show also debuted in Japan for the first time, so it's likely that his fans back home enjoyed what they saw as well. His future in WWE is bright. He's expected to debut in the ring during next week's NXT show taped on Friday.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.