7 Times Vince McMahon Thought WWE's Royal Rumble Sucked

1. 2005's Botched Finish

Royal Rumble 2005 End

Here it is, the peak of McMahon's own personal Royal Rumble suckitude scale and a night he's unlikely to look back on with a trademark goofy laugh.

Not only did John Cena and Batista botch the ending of the 2005 Rumble match when both tumbled over the top rope to the floor, but officials struggled to sort things out in the aftermath. Threatened with the looming prospect of his pay-per-view going off-air with a whimper, Vince took matters into his own hands and marched down the aisle.

As he slid into the ring, McMahon bashed both knees against the ring apron's steel support and ripped both his quadriceps muscles. If he wasn't angry before, the patriarch was angry now. The Rumble, WWE's kick off on a lucrative ride to WrestleMania, was painful for more reasons than one.

Vince fed instructions to both workers and the refs from a seated position on the canvas as baffled fans looked on. Finally, the match was restarted, Batista won as planned and McMahon was forced to take a trip to the hospital.

Sorry, a 'local medical facility'.


When else do you think Vince McMahon thought Royal Rumble sucked? For more, check out 10 Things We Learned From Kane On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions Podcast and 7 WWE Royal Rumble Eliminations That Were NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.