7 Upcoming Wrestling Books You Need To Know About

5. Behind The Curtain: Real Pro Wrestling Stories (Jim Cornette)

Jim Cornette Book
IDW Publishing

The eye-popping, colourful comic book style this one uses is interesting; it shows Jim Cornette in a different light, and it'll (hopefully) help illustrate some of the funny stories he has up his sleeves from almost 40 years of experience. If nothing else, it'll stop what is ostensibly a dry run through his career from appearing tedious.

That's welcome, especially for younger fans who might be fascinated by industry history but don't want to sit through heavy blocks of text.

The promise of reading Cornette's recollections of things he's witnessed is a more enticing prospect than his own achievements to some, and there's a sense that even he realises that at this point. Corny's off-the-wall, often hilarious delivery should come to life in these pages, and it's no surprise the book's Kickstarter campaign smashed its targets quickly in time for a 6 August release.

Most of the stories revolve around the wacky lengths old-timey wrestlers went to in order to maintain kayfabe during the territorial days of wrestling. On top of that, Cornette will explore the cultural impact their characters and behaviour had on society.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.