7 Upcoming Wrestling Books You Need To Know About

4. Self-Help: Life Lessons (Al Snow)

Al Snow

The proper, full title of this book is actually, 'Self Help: Life Lessons From The Bizarre Wrestling Career Of Al Snow', but let's refer to it as 'Life Lessons' for the benefit of brevity. Also, how's this for a blurb...

"Al Snow tells the stories of the unbelievable yet true events that formed his career, from his in-ring recollections to out-of-ring escapades, including drunken midnight journeys with a van full of little people, overuse of tasers at autograph signings, and continual attempts on his life by assorted members of the animal kingdom".

There's a lot to take in there, and it's nice to see that 'Life Lessons' (released on 7 May) is comfortable calling Al a journeyman wrestler earlier in the same book description. There doesn't appear to be any attempts at ego massaging or warping history; Snow and co-author Ross Owen Williams instead look like honesty will be their golden rule.

Reading the real scoop on his initial struggles in WWE as part of The New Rockers, his time in ECW, that 'Kennel From Hell' match and more will be a sheer joy. This could be akin to 2013's Bob Holly release in terms of candour.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.