7 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (Sep 3)

2. Edge Saves The Day

Edge WWE SmackDown

Man, that pop.

If this wasn't quite John Cena or CM Punk-esque, then it was damn close. Jacksonville went positively nuts when Edge's music hit and he sprinted out chair-in-hand to fend off Seth Rollins. Being honest, this fan was a little worried they might just have Edge cut a promo on the tron to distract before the Con-Chair-To attempt.

The fact WWE didn't is a great sign that they want to please live crowds as much as possible. This, and Edge's later promo backstage, was the best way to set up that Madison Square Garden showdown on next week's SmackDown. That's something to look forward to, because you just know these dudes will bring it.

It was also smart to keep them apart physically this week. Yep, fans have already seen them wrestle at SummerSlam, but the constant presence of chairs means they're either doing something hardcore inside MSG or keeping that back for Extreme Rules.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.