7 Ups & 2 Downs For AEW Collision (June 8 - Results & Review)

3. Mild Improvement For The Women's Division

AEW Collision Lady Frost Toni Storm

Toni Storm and Lady Frost found themselves in the unenviable spot of having an eight-minute match that was butchered by a picture-in-picture commercial, but the treatment of the ladies on this week's Collision was at least a vast improvement on the women's roster being given less than three minutes of in-ring time on last Saturday's show.

Storm and Frost did well with what they were given, and Frost always makes for a fun watch whenever she pops up on AEW TV. Likewise, Timeless Toni is forever an entertaining presence, whether that's in terms of ring work or just her general presentation and character.

The result was predictable, the match did slightly descend into an array of spamming big moves, and one could possibly question why it took the AEW Women's Champion eight minutes to beat someone who's never even won an AEW match, but the bulk of what we got was good for what it was.

Frost always impresses with her athleticism, and the end came when Toni nicely turned a Chiller Driller attempt into the Storm Zero for the 1-2-3. Post-match, Storm entered Mariah May into the Owen Hart Cup, with May already the hot favourite to win that tournament - particularly now that the winner gets a shot at the Women's Title at All In.

A solid backstage promo from Lady Frost went out online following this match, suggesting that things might soon take an upswing for the star, so that's promising.

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Senior Writer

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