7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (May 13)


7. Nox Nox, Let The Devil In

Nox Hartwell

Showcase matches have been a tricky hurdle for NXT this year. The brand feels fairly committed to not merely putting on squashes, presumably because they still see themselves as a developmental brand and, well, you don't develop all that much by just doing your entrance, taking a finisher, and walking back to the locker room.

They want these exhibitions to be competitive but, sadly, the bottom end of the roster isn't choc-full of wrestlers who can believable 'go' with most of the people they're trying to but over. For every 5+ minute stormer you can have with Bronson Reed, there's also a disjointed time-filler with Aliyah around the corner (sorry, Aliyah!).

Shouts to Indi Hartwell then who, for the opening few exchanges with Tegan Nox actually looked like she might be too much for her opponent. This was a platform to help build Nox up to where she should be in the women's division, but she, quite refreshingly, actually had to overcome something in the process. Hartwell looked stronger, more focused, quite dangerous to her as a result, even if we knew there was only one winner.

It's very basic booking, sure, but it's about as effective as these things can be.

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