7 Ups & 2 Downs From Last Night's NXT (May 13)

5. In Your House While You're In Your House

DX In Your House

I absolutely hate, hate, this.

I hate it when Actual-50-Year-Old-Men Degeneation-X insert themselves into a broadcast at the expense of the talent they're paid to get over, I hate it when Actual-COO-And-Millionaire Triple H gets his dumb corporate buddies to riff on his fart jokes, I hate it. It was good in the 1990s, less good in the 2000s, embarrassing in the 2010s and now, my god, please just let it die.

Crazy then, really, that I absolutely loved this.

The segment was mercifully short, pretty sharply written, and actually worked well to unveil something really, really interesting. NXT TakeOver: In Your House is pure nostalgia-bait, yes, but it's also a really smart call and makes use of the current """"""situation"""""" pretty effectively. At a time when there's not really a lot the show can do, it feels like there's a lot of badly needed possibilities here.

Plus, and I'll hold my hands up, that joke about what Triple H was doing at the first In Your House had a level of comedy timing to it that genuinely got a huge pop from me. I was racking my brains to think about that Henry Godwinn match and the penny dropped for me about a fraction of a second before Road Dogg said "pig crap!". Sometimes you've just got to applaud.

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