7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 26)

1. Adam Pearce’s Decision

Adam Pearce Edge Roman Reigns Paul Heyman Daniel Bryan

Adding Bryan into the mix at WrestleMania is best for everyone.

WWE don't want Edge to hear some boos in Tampa (which was always a fear). By that same token, they wouldn't want Reigns to get cheered by rebellious fans who love living vicariously through his ass-kicking ways. Impossible-to-dislike goodie DB should offset both come match time.

Plus, it's not like they've added some unwanted jabroni here. This is Daniel f'n Bryan, and you just know he'll enhance the Universal Title bout rather than take away from it. Also, WWE now have a singles match between Edge and Roman in their back pocket if they want to come back to that story later on.

It's win-win.

Edge vs. Reigns is on the back burner, so is Edge vs. Bryan, and fans will see a red hot Triple Threat on 11 April. Fingers crossed this turns out to be a classic like The Rock vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker from Vengeance 2002. That'd be amazing.

What else did you think of this week's WWE SmackDown? For more, check out 18 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (March 22) and 10 Wrestlers Whose Stock Has Dropped The Most Since WWE WrestleMania 36!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.