7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 13 - Results & Review)

5. At Least They Didn’t Forget

Kevin Owens

Some might disagree that this was worth waiting for, but look on the bright side: WWE actually followed through on bringing someone over to SmackDown as a makeweight for new Raw addition Jey Uso. Plus, Kevin Owens will be good value as a singles star again after spending most of the year in tags.

KO is a solid enough get for Friday night's roster.

Even if you happen to disagree, at least everyone can be chuffed that the writers remembered to wrap this particular plot point up. It was starting to drag on and on, and it seemed creative just wanted peeps to forget everything Adam Pearce previously said about Smackers getting one of Raw's wrestlers in return.

Typically, the promotion is arsing about with the whole "iron clad" Draft stuff, but the silver lining is that they put a bow on Jey Uso's jump. Owens got a big pop from the live crowd, as expected, and he'll become 'Mr. Dependable' as an upper-tier babyface for the rest of 2023.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.