7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 22)

2. More Title Trash

Apollo Crews Big E

Oh yes, as the intro says, Sami Zayn is a national treasure. He's the melting glue that's barely holding the Intercontinental Title scene together right now, which is a shame given how much zing Big E seemed to have when he bagged the belt right around Christmas.

Apollo Crews did not need another shot at E's prize here. If WWE were going to book a rematch, then they really needed to offer something more than they did the first time. They didn't; Crews' mysterious ties to Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman were ignored, and that left this babyface vs. babyface bout totally rudderless.

Zayn's interjection was the only thing that saved it.

WWE would be wise to cycle Apollo out of the title mix for now until they decide what they're doing with his character. He can always return to the fold if (or when) he turns heel. This spirited face stuff is super-bland.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.