7 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Homecoming 2021

3. Eddie Conquers Morrissey

Your writer adores the hardcore style of wrestling, and thus, Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey was fabulous. It warranted the stipulation and made full use of it. A minor Down, however, for Morrissey being pinned. It won't hinder him at all, but IMPACT could have done with building the guy up a tad closer to Bound For Glory.

The match itself was a grand affair. The former Big Cass destroyed Eddie here, at one point booting him off the turnbuckles and through a ringside table. His landing was rough, only narrowly escaping a hard knock from the barrier. Coupled with two Chokeslams - one on an apron-propped ladder and the other directly on the apron in a sick visual - Morrissey looked like a literal killer here.

Ending his unpinned streak here felt odd, though it did occur after he'd been dropped on some trash can lids via Powerbomb, whacked across the face with a kendo stick, and took a chain-aided Boston Knee Party. He still looks strong. Regardless, it should have gone on a while longer. This still delivered, though, and served as a fine feud-ender.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.