7 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Homecoming 2021
5. The Dead Live Another Day
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By the time we reached Rosemary and Crazzy Steve vs. Rachael Ellering and Tommy Dreamer, the general rule of thumb for the tournament was set in place; the matches weren't that amazing, but some could work. Where it didn't work, it really suffered.
This just about cut it in terms of match quality.
The involvement of Tommy Dreamer is always going to take something away from the match; he's just too slow these days. While he has had one or two legitimately decent performances this year (see: vs. Rich Swann at No Surrender), that wasn't the case here. He had some alright moments, namely a spiked DDT to Crazzy Steve, but he couldn't keep up. Steve rolling him up for the win was about as good as you were getting for the winning fall.
Again, this is nothing against Dreamer. He brings something to the table backstage. In-ring-wise, he needs to stop. He can't go anymore. He's just about passable in weapons-based brawls, but as far as 'normal' matches are concerned, someone stop him.