7 Ups & 7 Downs From AEW All Out 2022


7. A Tone Setter

AEW All Out 2022 Zero Hour Eddie Kingston Tomohiro Ishii

You need a boatload of positivity after all of that whining, right? Same.

Cheerfully, Eddie Kingston and Tomohiro Ishii were on hand to deliver a predictably-physical war on the Zero Hour portion. These boys beat the hell out of one another, and their chop-heavy exchanges were the only thing worth watching on the pre-show full stop.

Chicago's crowd finally got hooked on a match at just the right time (after sitting through some Rampage-worthy card cannon fodder), so it was smart to headline Zero Hour with this one. Kingston and Ishii set the tone for everyone else by delivering physicality without trying to squeeze too many high spots in.

They deserve a pat on the back for that. The best workers know their place on the card and can deliver fun matches without stealing from the true ticket-sellers; that's what Kingston and his absurdly-robust foe achieved here.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.