7 Ups & 8 Downs From WWE's Road To WrestleMania 38

4. The Undertaker = Hall Of Famer

The Undertaker WWE Hall Of Fame 2022

WWE's Hall Of Fame feels a little more complete now that The Undertaker has been announced as part of the 2022 class. The legend has revealed during interviews that the company offered him a spot several years ago, but he wasn't quite ready to sail off into the sunset back then.

'Taker is ready now.

A follow up announcement on Vince McMahon inducting his greatest character creation felt right too, and that contributed to making this the biggest WWE's HOF ceremony has been for many a year. The Undertaker heads up a class that also includes Vader and The Steiner Brothers; what an undercard that is.

Nothing about the icon's Survivor Series 2020 "Final Farewell" clicked. There were no fans in attendance to see it for a start, and the whole exercise was hollow from beginning to end. A proper celebration of WWE's most famous gimmick will put that right in early-April.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.