7 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Feb 24)

4. Li Purges Catanzaro

Li Catanzaro

Smearing two black marks on Kacy Catanzaro's hand soon after her part in a tag team victory on last week's show, Xia Li promised to purge her supposed former buddy inside of the CWC last night.

Catanzaro did manage to successfully evade the ball of fire that is Li early on, utilising her insane gymnastic ability. However, it was only a matter of time before her opponent took things up a merciless notch. With Catanzaro in a heap on the outside, Li targeted a lingering leg on the steps, snapping it with sickening precision via stomp.

Calling off the bout soon after, Li would earn the victory due to Kacy's disturbing injury rendering her unable to continue. Kayden Carter, infuriated by this development, once again went after Mei Ying watching on from the ramp. Boa would this time refuse her passage, leaving Catanzaro open for a despicable kick to the jaw from Li.

It now seems as though Carter will be next up for the indomitable Li, with this scene acting as just the latest reminder of why you should not go sticking your nose in Ying's business. We'd be lying if we said we weren't hoping for something a little more supernatural when it came to the aforementioned "purging", but I suppose having your leg nearly broken off isn't what you'd call a good day in the office...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...