7 Ups And 1 Down From NXT: The Great American Bash 2

5. Amputate American Bash

Blackheart Stone

This was entirely accidental, but cutting to a very quiet, in-screen commercial while Robert Sonte writhed around and screamed his lungs out over his leg being trapped under a tank was possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen in NXT.

A lot of people think his gimmick is very dumb, a lot of people think Shotzi Blackheart's gimmick is very dumb, a lot of people saw Killian Dain in this segment and thought "wow Cameron Grimes brought his dad to the show, that's nice!", but the three of them proved there's enough variety in NXT to have it be as fun as it is impressive.

We're finally back to where we were with Stone prior to Chelsea Green walking out on him, where his claims that his representation helps your career are actually true. Yes, we received both him and Aliyah as a joke, but how else would she have had consecutive TV matches against a former NXT Women's Champion? This, combined with how entertaining his segments can be (Bigfoot quietly lamenting people getting his name wrong while he's in the corner with a tank parked on him! Come on!) means it's finally starting to click again.

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