7 Ups And 1 Down From NXT: The Great American Bash 2

3. Excelente American Bash

Breezango Fantasma

After 120+ days of social isolation and being in lockdown, I finally managed to get my haircut on Wednesday this week. As well as shedding my hair, I also decided to shed any other miserable hangovers from the last 3 months so, rejoice my friends, you've heard the last of that whole "Pretending To Fire Drake Maverick Was F**king Loathesome" narrative. Life's too short.

Anyway, NXT's answer to AEW's Puppy Battle Royal (Mendoza called Maverick a chihuahua) was another hastily-booked filler match from last week but, unlike our other contests, there is at least a story woven into it. El Chapo del Fantasma and his merry amigos renewed their current rivarly and, vitally, dominated their first match as a trio. If we're to buy these lads as a big deal then they're going to need to win a lot of matches like this.

Despite going down a predictable route of just building to the faces getting a hot-tag, Escobar absolutely mullered Maverick once they got one-on-one. If NXT can start to get Mendoza and Wilde over as viable propositions in their own right (rather than the Central American J&J they looked initially), there's a lot of avenues they can take this stable down. Once they get past this initial feud the world, and the roster, is their oyster.

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