7 Ups And 10 Downs From WWE Raw's Season Premiere (Sept 30)

3. That Was Unnecessary

Bobby Lashley Lana

Why? Just why?

WWE always feels the need to go back to the well and try something dumb, and it almost never works out. In this case, we’re talking about a well-known wrestling couple experiencing “relationship trouble” to spark a feud.

Case in point: Rusev returned recently sans Lana, and everyone started asking Monday night where was she, only for the Ravishing Russian to answer herself later in the night. Lana came out with Bobby Lashley, making out with The All-Mighty in a prolonged display of tonsil hockey.

Soooo… Lana is getting back at Rusev for something (we’ll presumably learn more in the near future). Maybe we can accept that, but why does it need to be a romantic tryst? Couldn’t they just have Lana grab a new charge without out it being someone she’s now romantically linked to?

This is such a dumb WWE trope – and it isn’t even the first time they’ve pulled it with Lana and Rusev! And that time didn’t work out either. Prediction: This will not work and either be abandoned or rewritten in the coming weeks.


Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.