7 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Feb 17)

6. Leon Ruff Swerves Isaiah Scott

Swerve Scott

In recent times, Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott has undergone something of a transformation, morphing from resilient hero to brassed off, entitled !*$% at a remarkable rate. Further highlighting this attitude adjustment, Scott found himself taking on loveable babyface Leon Ruff in an energetic showdown on this week's show.

Clearly letting his successful evasion tactics go to his head, Scott was soon introduced to Ruff's superior agility for a spell, only for the former to quickly derail his plucky adversary with a vicious knee and sickening powerbomb backbreaker.

Ruff was far from done here, though, fighting back into the contest with a beautifully timed clothesline and second rope cutter for a near-fall. Ultimately, a p*ssed off Scott soon let his frustrations get the better of him as his determination to inflict punishment on his stubborn prey resulted in a slick crucifix pin from the former North American Champion.

Predictably, an incensed 'Swerve' suckered Ruff in for a post-match handshake, only to smack him in the kisser for his troubles. Launching Ruff into the turnbuckles was then followed up by a statement from Scott, who noted that he was tired of his opponent being handed opportunities.

This deluded Scott character is undoubtedly a whole lot more interesting than what he was doing previously on NXT, but having him routinely lose only to complain about not being given chances will run out of steam fast. Having Ruff use 'Swerve's aggression and arrogance against him worked a treat here, but you sense Scott needs to start putting his money where his mouth is soon.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...