7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 17)

6. Swerve Gets His Grill Back

The red flags were there from minute one, but that still didn't stop Isaiah 'Swerve' Scott from marching out to the most dangerous place in all of NXT, the car park, to meet Santos Escobar man-to-man. This effort to regain his prized grill soon resulted in Legado del Fantasma jumping the North American Champion from behind, something he was seemingly anticipating but still could do little about once the blows began to fly.

Cue an already concerned Hit Row breaking up the three-on-one, with Top Dolla delivering a lawn dart into a shutter that Kevin Nash would be proud to call his own. Swerve would then prise his jewellery back off his long-time rival, launching the former Cruiserweight Champion into that same shutter to end the well-shot brawl.

Thankfully, Hit Row once again felt like the unit most resembling a face squad in this constant back-and-forth, recovering from a mask-burning scenario which painted them out to be a group of a-holes last week. A North American Championship match between Swerve and Escobar has yet to be confirmed, but we're surely heading in that direction, right? Otherwise, what in the hell has all this been leading to?

All in all, it was a solid continuation of a feud that needs to deliver a pay-off sooner rather than later.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...