7 Ups And 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Dec 4)
5. Cruiserweights Tear It Down

It’s clear that someone somewhere in WWE figured out that the only way cruiserweights were going to get over with fans was to let them actually do what cruiserweights do: wrestle.
Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander went to town Monday night in a fatal four-way match that featured a ton of highspots for a Raw match, bringing fans to their feet a few times. Alexander caught a charging Ali with a standing C-4 at one point, only for Ali to counter with a springboard Spanish Fly.
It felt like the match was an audition for Cedric, but after clearing the field with Lumbar Checks, he was dispatched with by Gulak, who stole the pin. Drew will face Rich Swann for the #1 contender’s spot.
Hopefully, this sort of thing continues, and we get more fast-paced, high-flying action. It’s probably the only thing that could reinvigorate the division at this point, and having good matches on Raw certainly doesn’t hurt.