7 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE Raw (April 27)
5. Meandering Lashley Wins
What is Bobby Lashley’s direction right now? If anyone has any genuine ideas, please send them to the WWE Performance Center, because it’s doubtful the company has any right now.
Lashley has been directionless for some time, feuding with Rusev for months over the storyline breakup of the Bulgarian Brute’s marriage and Bobby’s own nuptials with Lana. Since then (and now that Rusev has been released), Lashley has wandered around, losing in the Tuwaiq Trophy Gauntlet, beating Zack Ryder, losing to Aleister Black at WrestleMania 36, and beating No Way Jose last week.
Monday, he defeated Denzel Dejournette in a squash. And recently, he started having marital trouble with Lana, but that suddenly disappeared last week, only to be referenced somewhat this week.
Seriously, what is Lashley’s direction right now? No real program, no path for him, no nothing. Even his Mania match materialized out of thin air with no buildup. It’s just screen time with no real meaning for Lashley, which makes it impossible to get invested in him in any meaningful way.