7 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE Roadblock
1. WWEs Ambrose Problem

Some are going to think this column is going to bash the result of the world title match, with Dean Ambrose losing cleanly to Triple H. In reality, it was a really good match (stay tuned for more) and was the kind of bout where Dean could demand another shot because Triple H only won due to a technicality.
The problem that has cropped up is just how good this mini-feud and match has been. Sure, this was just a way to use up time while Roman Reigns was on the sidelines, with Dean serving as his friends stand-in, but Ambrose versus Triple H was a good little program that showed promise. The match Saturday night revealed that fans absolutely were buying into Ambrose as champ and were ready to make him a star. Had WWE pulled the trigger, you get the feeling fans would be shocked at first, but wouldnt think twice once reality set in.
Contrast this with Triple Hs feud with Reigns, which will likely resume Monday on Raw. Roman will get loudly booed by a third of the crowd, half-heartedly cheered by a third and receive silence from the rest.
The Ambrose program got a good response and he and Hunter put on a really good match. Fans arent buying into the Reigns/Triple H storyline the same, and if their WrestleMania match doesnt surpass or at least equal this match (and fans predictably turn on it), then WWE will have doubly shot itself in the foot.