7 Ways To Add Intrigue To Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena Rematch

6. Seth Rollins Promises To Cash In If Cena Loses

For the fans who are nervous at the prospect of the reset button being pressed and the title going back on John Cena, a way to leave that result up in the air would be to have Seth Rollins come out before the pay-per-view and guarantee that if Cena somehow manages to defeat Brock Lesnar and win his 16th WWE championship, he will make sure the belt returns to the control of The Authority at the end of the night by cashing in his Money In The Bank contract. Assuming that Dean Ambrose will still be out at the time of the show (and all indications are that he will), then Rollins will be able to cash in free from the threat of his interference. Without that albatross hanging over his head, the confident former Shield member should have no qualms cashing in on what would presumably be a drained and battered John Cena. This would serve to stir a little hope in the sizable portion of the audience that, even if Cena gets the win over Brock, we won€™t be pushed right back into the same old status quo. To quote the late Owen Hart: €œEnough is enough and it€™s time for a change€.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.