7 Ways Modern WWE Heels Created 'Bad' Heat

4. Jinder Mahal

Mick Foley Stephanie McMahon

Jinder Mahal is where we trip up on the sticky conversation of whether a heel is generating good heat or bad heat. While it’s true Mahal has consistently been booed since his main event heel push, the question has become whether that heat is on him, or on the company for pushing an untalented wrestler from jobber status to WWE Champion overnight.

After the memetic jubilation at Jinder’s absurd, abrupt title win wore off, much of the online discussion surrounding him has been about his faults. His ringwork is still average at best, and his promos are repetitive and poorly-delivered. What’s kept Jinder in this limbo between good heat and bad heat is the fact that the audience regularly boo him and chant USA at him.

It will be interesting to see how they portray Jinder’s new feud with Shinsuke Nakamura, who is about as American as Jinder is natural. If the audience continues to boo Jinder without the heel foreigner angle, he’ll be vindicated as a good heel. If not, he’ll be right at home on this list.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.