7 Ways Roman Reigns Can Help Himself Become A Bigger WWE Star

1. Stop Wearing That Shield Gear

It's weird that Roman Reigns is still wrestling with vest and black pants still. It also must be tiring for him. Reigns is a big guy with the kind of build that WWE loves (we can all see that), so why is he still dressing like that? His gear has changed a bit from the beginning of The Shield because it's a different kind of vest, but it's still the same idea. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have changed attire. Why not him? It's kind of like how X-Pac was still wearing DX gear when the group was over and we all laughed at him because he had a tough time letting it go. There could be somebody in WWE that thinks the vest is a badass look. It's like something a cop would wear or somebody in the military. However, he doesn't need it. Reigns is a big guy that would be better off if he dressed like most guys in trunks or tights. A vest just doesn't seem necessary. The Shield is over. They've all moved on. Reigns still has the look and the music, though. Why? There's no point to it. In order for him to really get to that next level he has to change things soon.
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Roman Reigns
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.