7 Ways WWE Are Failing Their Own Cruiserweight Division

4. Lack Of Distinction In The Division's Top Feud

austin aries neville

The previous point is backed up by the ring attire both Austin Aries and Neville have been choosing lately. Both men look almost identical, and if it wasn't for the latter's long hair then it'd be difficult to tell them apart from a distance. That was the case at Payback.

Someone behind the scenes needs to have a word with Aries in particular and encourage him to choose different gear. As the babyface challenger, he shouldn't be wearing black when the heel champion does. Maybe that's a little bit too nit-picky for some, but a different colour choice would help differentiate between champ and challenger.

This is a bit of a weird point, admittedly, but it's a subtle nuance that would clearly present who was 'bad' and who was 'good' in the feud. Austin Aries is tramping all over Neville's fresh heel style by donning the same colour scheme rather than finding one that contrasts.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.