7 Wrestlers Who Really Didn’t Get Paid By The Hour

3. Kevin Nash

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Jim Cornette told Kayfabe Commentaries that studying footage of Kevin Nash's work as Diesel (when Glenn Jacobs was taking on the gimmick in 1996) left him dumbfounded; Cornette could only count around five moves, one of which was an elbow smash in the corner. He couldn't believe someone had come so far by doing so little.

That shouldn't be used as criticism against Nash though, because he had more to offer than chain wrestling ever could. 'Big Sexy' looked like a star, and he could be a great promo man when the time called for it. It's easy to see how comfortable he became in WCW, but that's more to do with the system than anything else. In the WWF, Nash was motivated.

Nash did work long matches against the likes of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, and yet he's often considered lazy. That view was shaped by his WCW rune. In Atlanta, Nash didn't do a whole lot during matches, only doing enough to get by.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.