7 Wrestlers WWE Unsuccessfully Tried To Sign In 2015

7. Angelico

A few months ago, there were doubts about the future of Lucha Underground. There were reports that the company might die if they didn't get enough funding to produce a second season. Recently, however, they've announced that there will be a second season, to begin filming this month and airing in early 2016. While there was that doubt about Lucha Underground's future, the Wrestling Observer was reporting that WWE had an interest in several wrestlers there, including Angelico.
Anybody that watches Lucha Underground knows Angelico because he did some of the most impressive high flying moves of anybody on the show. The above dive from the roof of the set into the ring is one of the more memorable spots from Lucha Underground's first season. Aside from his breathtaking high-flying spots, he's a good overall talent with a bright future in wrestling. Unfortunately for WWE, Angelico has apparently signed a seven year deal that most Lucha Underground talents were enouraged to sign last year. That means that unless he gets fired or something happens to change things (WWE could buy out his contract, but that would be expensive), he'll likely be there for several years and WWE won't be able to poach him.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.