7 WWE Careers That Are At A Dead End

3. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler is probably the most talented guy on this list and shouldn't even be on a list like this considering how gifted of a performer he is. There's nothing he can't do in a wrestling ring. His matches are always exciting, he is a charismatic guy, the fans respect him and when he's given the chance to deliver a promo he's solid at doing that too. There are a couple of things to blame when it comes to Ziggler falling out of the spotlight: the face turn and a concussion at the worst possible time of his career. Turning face was a mistake. Just because he got cheered when he cashed in Money in the Bank in 2013 doesn't mean he should have turned face. They should have had him rip on the fans for doubting him, yet he embraced them and it hurt his gimmick. The concussion he suffered also likely caused management to cut off his push because he lost the World Title and hasn't been able to regain his spot. When looking at a guy like Bad News Barrett, there is hope for Ziggler because it's just a matter of WWE getting behind him again. There's a reason he won Money in the Bank 2012 and the World Title in 2013. They know he's talented. Whether they fully get behind him again or not, who knows? He's 34 years old this year and may not get a strong push down the road, so it better happen now before it's too late. A heel turn would probably help him more than anything right now. That rumored stable with Miz may or may not happen, but what he needs is to be a bad guy. That was when he was really at his best as a guy that was more natural on the microphone and could always back it up in the ring.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.