If Brock Lesnar chooses to re-sign with WWE when his contract expires after WrestleMania 31, creative may have a problem a lack of realistic babyfaces to put him against. Since Lesnar returned in 2012, he has been portrayed as an unstoppable brute and has had excellent matches with John Cena, CM Punk, Triple H and The Undertaker. Whos left? Its hard to imagine Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose posing a legitimate threat to The Beast Incarnate, but turning him face would lead to a multitude of new match-ups. How to do it: The vast majority of Lesnars promo work is done by the best talker in the business today, Paul Heyman. There is no way Heyman could turn face the snivelling, manipulative, cowardly persona that he has built for himself over the years simply would not translate into a face role. So, it makes sense for Heyman to turn on Lesnar, in much the same way he did back in 2002. Brocks popularity is already growing among the audience, and WWE should have him play to the fans more and become more of a showman. This would lead to Heyman telling Brock to be careful, but Brock does not heed his warnings and continues to play the crowd as a tweener. Then, finally turn Brock full face by having Heyman betray him to manage another heel. Heymans motivation would simply be that he is bigger than all of his clients, and Lesnar needed to be taught a lesson. Brock would become a face by default, since anybody who is put against Heyman is bound to be cheered.