7 WWE Fastlane Results Predictions

8. Sting And Triple H

It will take place later in the show, but before getting into the results predictions, let's take a look at the Sting and Triple H segment. It isn't a match at Fastlane, but it is being sold as a major attraction to watch the show. What can fans expect? The making of Sting vs Triple at WrestleMania 31, is the answer. A long Triple H promo, followed by Sting coming out and pointing his baseball bat at the WrestleMania sign is the way to do it. Sting doesn't even need to say anything. Have him point at the Mania sign, then Hunter low blows him and hits him with the Pedigree. "You're on," The Game growls. One neat twist could be Triple H telling Sting that he'll be made to wrestle a match at Mania. But it won't be against him, it will be against... The Undertaker! Maybe the whole Hunter thing and Wyatt promos have been red herrings. But let's not hold our breaths on that one! Sting Vs Triple H is happening, and it will be made official this weekend at Fastlane.
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