7 WWE Fastlane Results Predictions

7. Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan And Ryback Vs. Seth Rollins, Kane And Big Show

This match has been under-promoted and not properly thought out. It is really just a way of getting Rollins on to the card, as he's the number one heel and a favourite of Triple H. Plus, he's the best wrestler in the world, of course. It could be an entertaining match, albeit an example of 'Sunday Night Raw' pay per view booking. But with Ziggler and Rollins in there, it is probably going to have enough athletic action to get over. The finish will presumably be the babyfaces going over, as a hot way to start the show. Rowan and Ryback clean house and then Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Big Show for the win. That would make sense and give Ziggler a rub going into Mania, while still protecting Rollins. Could Randy Orton return and take Rollins out? It's waiting to happen, but is probably better left delayed for something on TV. This is just a filler six man match at the end of the day. Winners: Ziggler, Ryback, Rowan
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