7 WWE Fastlane Results Predictions

2. Rusev (C) Vs John Cena - United States Title

You can't help but feel that this should have been a little bit bigger. It had WrestleMania written all over it, but WWE have pulled the trigger early and it is going ahead at Fastlane. Rusev is undefeated and the American hating heel. Cena is the patriotic hero who has made a career of defeating giants. It's a good narrative, as something has to give. Will Rusev crush Cena? Can Cena stop the brute's momentum? We'll find out on Sunday, but surely the result is just a way of setting up a rematch at Mania? That's the logical direction for both Cena and Rusev, with no other clear options on the table. So, what narrative do they go for? Maybe Rusev defeats Cena at Fastlane, forcing Cena to question himself, before making a triumphant comeback and beating Rusev at Mania. Or, perhaps Cena defeats Rusev this weekend, then the heel forces a rematch and gets a star making win on the big stage. If WWE really want to get the talented act over, they should give him the win at Fastlane and Mania. Then have him win the WWE Title in the spring, before losing for the first time when he makes a hot new face act at SummerSlam. That would be booking 101. It could go either way and this is probably one WWE will still be figuring out on the day. For now, the prediction is Rusev. From a traditional standpoint it makes more sense to put the heel over here and have Cena chase vengeance. Passing out in the The Accolade is the way to give Rusev the win and still save Cena some face. Winner: Rusev
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