7 WWE Fastlane Results Predictions

1. Roman Reigns Vs Daniel Bryan - Winner Faces Brock Lesnar For WWE Title At WrestleMania

The very latest from reddit WWE insider MetsFan4Ever is that plans still call for Roman Reigns to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. The plan is to have him go over Bryan this Sunday. The logic is that Bryan will give Reigns a great match and put him over clean. He'll then endorse Reigns as the man to face Brock. However, other insider reports, from f4wonline, have indicated that WrestleMania's main event could be a triple threat. If that's the case, then Bryan will go over and then Reigns will maintain his place in the Mania match by citing his Rumble win. This certainly seems the most plausible outcome, as the crowd and social media are going to s**t all over WWE if Reigns is the winner this weekend. Bryan hitting the run knee and pinning Reigns clean is the way to do it. WWE can then have Reigns go over in the main event at Mania, as compensation for doing the job this weekend. Winner: Daniel Bryan
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Roman Reigns
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