Cesaros one-armed training methods may be pretty unorthodox, but Seth Rollins add further meaning to that adjective with his training regime. Taking inspiration from the world of gymnastics, Mr Money in the Bank is all about the crossfit. Similarly to Cesaro, his workouts have a philosophythough Rollins message is rather more spiritual. He aims to train his whole mind, body and spirit, as was revealed in a recent Journey to SummerSlam special on the WWE Network. The use of the crossfit is based primarily on the fact that it trains you for everything. Rollins credits the apparatus for catlike ability to land on his feet and all-round stunning athleticism. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x277xh3_wwe-journey-to-summerslam-2014-the-destruction-of-the-shield_sport But as well as that, he speaks of the high of the crossfit. The natural endorphins released from running, or any similar form of exercise, are something that can easily get people hooked on working out. According to Rollins though, the crossfit high is like that times a million, and an attack on your soul. Anyone questioning the former Shield members spiritual spiel will surely be able to identify with the sheer physical intensity of the crossfit though. Rollins tells of how he contemplates giving up every time he stops to rest, but pushes himself to conitue no matter what. For a man in the shape that Rollins is in, thats saying a lot, and is therefore more than enough to earn him a top-three spot on this list.