7 WWE WrestleMania Endings That Were Botched

6. WrestleMania 33

WWE WrestleMania 33 The Undertaker Roman Reigns

Your writer was there in attendance for this one, and it was more depressing than some might imagine.

The Undertaker, a childhood hero to millions, flopped around like a fish out of water as Roman Reigns fought hard to get him up for a Tombstone Piledriver. It was a mortifying botch, one that humanised the supernatural aura of 'Taker at once and made Reigns look like a complete fool.

After that, fans in Orlando found it hard to get invested. They'd watched an old hero f*ck things up in the main event of 'Mania, and groans began filling the Camping World Stadium. Making things even sadder, some people started leaving. They'd seen enough, wanted a bottle of water that didn't cost $10 and couldn't stomach any more pain.

The Undertaker and Reigns struggled on with the rest of their "epic" match and tried to make the best of a bad situation. Referee John Cone's grimace said it all though. He, just like everyone in the stadium, knew that Tombstone was a deal-breaking moment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.